CLCP Celebrates National Volunteer Week

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Last month the CLCP celebrated National Volunteer Week. We would like to extend a massive thank you to our volunteers for all their hard work and everything they do which keeps our legal centre going!

The CLCP team currently has 22 student volunteers across our Parramatta and Rooty Hill offices, as well as a team of volunteer solicitors who provide legal advice on Thursday evenings.

This financial year, our volunteers have:

  • Processed over 6,500 online forms
  • Returned over 3,000 voice messages
  • Answered over 1,500 phone calls
  • Managed over 960 emails (including referrals)

This is in addition to all the ad hoc assistance they give with things like legal research, drafting CLE materials, creating templates, making services and entering notes for our outreach, duty and MLS teams, and the list goes on.

Our volunteers make an enormous contribution to our work at WSCLC and we would not be able to do what we do without them.


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This website has a “quick exit” button near the top right-hand corner of each page. This button will close the Western Sydney Community Legal Centre website and open the Bureau of Meteorology website. The button may be helpful if you are worried that you are being monitored and you are concerned that someone is about to find you looking at this site.

However, the quick close button will not delete your browser history. This means that if the person checks your browser history they will be able to see that you have visited this website.

For information on deleting your internet history click here.

If someone is monitoring your online activity using spyware or monitoring devices, they will still be able to see that you have visited this website.

Remember: Deleting large parts of your internet history may alert your abuser.

To discuss your online safety call DVConnect 1800 811 811 (24-hour telephone advice line) or 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) (24-hour telephone counselling line).

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