WESTS Community Engagement Day 

Wests Community Engagement Day

On Friday 21 May, WESTS held a Community Engagement Day at the Skye Hotel in Parramatta. The Western Sydney Tenants’ Service (WESTS) has been servicing the Western Sydney community for over ten years. Our Community Engagement Day was the perfect opportunity to reconnect with our key partners after a long period of physical isolation dating back to the COVID-19 lockdown in March last year.   

The event was a huge success, with over 60 attendees from various organisations across Western Sydney. Keynote speaker Ms Julia Finn, MP spoke on the need for key legislative reforms in tenancy law, particularly the abolishment of no-grounds evictions.  We heard from a variety of guest speakers including Robert Mowbray from the Tenants’ Union, John Dauth from the Department of Housing, Former NCAT Conciliator Phil Marchionni, Gina Manna, Park Manager of Wallacia Caravan Park, and Rachelle, a Senior Real Estate agent at Richardson and Wrench.  

WESTS achieved their aim of reconnecting with the stakeholders involved in tenancy law and the prevention of homelessness 


WESTS are here to help to guide tenants on the right path with issues about tenancy. WESTS hav delivered community education and information session to domestic violence victims on terminating their lease, migrants renting in NSW for the first time, and clients self-representing at NCAT.  

If you would like to know more about WESTS and our Community Education sessions please email us at [email protected] 

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